UNSICHTBAR (English: INVISIBLE) is an action-art and interdisciplinary symposium on sexual violence against women initiated by Livia Klein and UNSA Vienna, which will take place from November 26th to December 8th, 2021 at the Volkskundemuseum Vienna. It is an emotional and professional examination of the topic and refers to the individual, but also to the social effects: in the context of an exhibition that shows different artistic expressions, a panel discussion that communicates on the content level and various workshops that deal with different aspects of sexual violence. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the number of participants at the events and workshops is limited.
You can register here for the vernissage, panel discussion and various workshops.
Sexualized violence can occur in various, often hidden, forms that must be taken seriously on an individual basis. UNSICHTBAR refers above all to situations that are often played down in society and yet have serious effects on those affected. Against this background, UNSICHTBAR creates an interdisciplinary discourse that acts as a mouthpiece for those affected and their stories, and reveals the consequences of sexualised violence. Attention is drawn to the fact that the resulting trauma and psychological injuries are often deeper than those affected and their relatives are aware, and they have social consequences. UNSICHTBAR acts as a space of solidarity and community, offers awareness and support in order to put the often associated feelings of invisibility in the light of public perception.
From November 26th, 2021 to December 8th, 2021, the exhibition in the Volkskundemuseum Vienna shows works by artists on the subject. The feeling or the state of mind after sexually abusive experiences is made perceptible through sensory impressions. The artistic works, which encompass a wide range (photography, literature, sound, installations), grant visitors an insight into the cosmos of thought of those affected. Art as a communication tool is used here to promote public and personal awareness in dealing with sexualised violence against women.
Katharina Brandl
Katharina Brandl embroidered white, transparent curtains for UNSICHTBAR. These stand for a certain homeliness and privacy. Most murders take place at home, in private. One curtain is embroidered with dates and locations of femicides in 2021, another with sexist statements. In Katharina Brandl's work, language is seen not only as communication, but as an expression of thinking and acting; it can be hurtful and humiliating. Violence already begins in language and the artist wants to make this rather “invisible” form of violence visible and tangible.
Livia Klein and Kyrill Zierotin
The musician Kyrill Zierotin and the writer Livia Klein compose atmospheric, experimental sounds for UNSICHTBAR, which accompany Livia Klein's poems with music. An auditive cinema experience is generated in order to be able to immerse deeply in the thought cosmos of the two artists.
Vitoria Monteiro and Mona Abdel Baky
The two artists are designing an installation called "ABAPORU" for UNSICHTBAR. The installation was created with lambe, a graphic technique with wheat paste. Biodegradable posters are integrated into the urban architecture in public spaces. The motif for the installation is part of research into a future film project that deals with German and Brazilian modernists and their work on self-portraits and identity. In this way, a decolonial criticism of German-language modernism should be visually depicted. The name of this installation is made up of the proverb "The man who eats people" and the most famous painting in Brazil, the "Abaporu" designed by Tarsila do Amaral. This painting was the first work that got great visibility. The Brazilian visual identity has been criticized as a reproduction of European aesthetic ideals. Despite upheaval, the spirits of the invisible remain; the spirits of modernism, colonialism and European wealth.
Nicole Toferer
In Nicole Toferer's artistic work for UNSICHTBAR, she shows a wide variety of stories and facets. Her work leaves things unspoken. Things that are never talked about anyway or that are not a suitable topic for the dining table. Some personal aspects also flow into her work. In her artistic work for UNSICHTBAR, she not only focused on content, but also networked and collaborated with women's associations and affected women. The photographs are, among other things, the result of an anonymous survey on sexual violence that was specially created for this project. As a result, the photographs show crime scenes, clothing that was worn and also convey the feelings and experiences of those affected. Some photographs tell many stories, others just one.
To register for the UNSICHTBAR exhibition, click here.
PANEL DISCUSSION, Friday, December 3rd, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. in the Volkskundemuseum Vienna:
The UNSICHTBAR panel discussion, moderated by Helena Gabriel-Oiwoh, offers an interdisciplinary interaction between artists and technical experts on the topic. In terms of content, the panel discussion focuses on what must / should be done to make sexual violence against women visible, and why. Seated on the podium are Livia Klein (Artistic Director of UNSICHTBAR), Brigitte Soran (Orange the World Campaign), Clara Bohmann (activist) and Elena Castelluci (Holistic Health Coach).
To register for the panel discussion click here.
WORKSHOPS on Saturday, December 4th, 2021 from 9:30 a.m. and on Sunday, December 5th, 2021 from 9:00 a.m. in the Volkskundemuseum Vienna:
A particular concern of UNSICHTBAR is the inclusion of girls and young women, with workshops specially designed for this target group.
Saturday, December 4th, 2021
09:30-10:30 am: Workshop 1 - “Sexualized violence and femicides” carried out by UNSA Vienna under the direction of Fatma Uysal
11:00-12:00: Workshop 2 - “Activism against sexual violence against women” conducted by activist Clara Bohman
13:00-14:00: Workshop 3 - "Getting under your skin: Trauma & unconscious types of stress in women" conducted by Health- & Wellness Coach Elena Castellucci
14:30-16:00: Workshop 4 - “Sexualized violence online and what you can do about it” carried out by Saferinternet.at under the direction of Alexandra Wonka
19:00: Workshop 5 - "Vulva Visability: Vulva Impression Session and Workshop" carried out by the artist Gloria Dimmel and the cultural manager Paula Marschalek
Sunday, December 5th, 2021
09:00-10: 30: Workshop 6 - "Prevention of sexual violence" carried out by the Vienna State Criminal Police Office under the direction of Chief Inspector Christina Gabriel (Head of Violence and Addiction Prevention) and Departmental Inspector Franziska Tkavc (Deputy Head of Child Protection)
11:00-12:30: Workshop 7 - "Vulva, female* sexuality and sexualised violence including vulva crafting table" carried out by Viva la Vulva
13:00-14:00: Workshop 8 - “Sexualized violence against women* with disabilities” carried out by Ninlil under the direction of Lisa Udl
You can register for the individual workshops here. The number of participants in the workshops is limited to 15 persons each.
Recent Activities
UNSICHTBAR timetable

The schedule of the upcoming UNSICHTBAR event with several workshops is now available.