Why collecting data on femicide matters? In collaboration with UNODC and SAGE (Students Advocating for Gender Equality), UNSA Vienna is hosting, on December 8, an online event to talk about the paramount importance that data collection on femicide has. On this occasion, the Volume XIII of the UNSA Vienna FEMICIDE Collection “Collecting Data on Femicide” will be introduced.
Femicide is gender related killing of women and girls because of their sex and/ or gender, because they are women and girls. It constitutes gender-based violence against women and girls and is a human rights violation.
Why collecting data on femicide matters? In collaboration with UNODC and SAGE (Students Advocating for Gender Equality), UNSA Vienna is hosting, on December 8, an online event to talk about the paramount importance that data collection on femicide has. On this occasion, the Volume XIII of the UNSA Vienna FEMICIDE Collection “Collecting Data on Femicide” will be introduced.
The event will be online/ZOOM and live streamed on the SAGE and the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna Facebook pages.
We are looking forward to seeing you. We will address all your questions in our final Q&A session.
Saide Mobayed, Editor of the Femicide Watch Platform, UNSA Vienna
Dr. Henrike Landré, Co-Chair, Co-founder and Initiator of the Femicide Watch Platform, UNSA Global Network
Dr. Michael Platzer, Liaison Officer and Initiator of the FEMICIDE publication series, UNSA Vienna
Dr. Enrico Bisogno, Leader of the Data Development and Dissemination Section, UNODC Vienna
Esther Madi
MAIS2 Student, Vienna School of International Studies
Please join us by clicking here: https://zoom.us/j/93488001565?pwd=QVRpYk1JK1hFZldJWGRCQ0JuNHBsQT09
This event will be also streamed live on https://www.facebook.com/DiplomaticAcademyVienna.