The FEMICIDE team’s work is aimed at raising awareness about and promoting exchange on the topic of femicide, the killing of women because they are women, within the UN framework.
Since 2012 the FEMICIDE team, which is wholeheartedly dedicated to ending all forms of violence against women, has called for global action, to end the killing of women because they are women, shown what has been done and what has to be done to improve the safety of women in conflict and in flight, made people aware of the abuse and femicide of older women, tackled the issue of contemporary forms of enslavement of women and girls, attracted attention to state responsibility with regard to femicide, and urged the establishment of a Femicide Watch in every country.
Sadly, there are still many forms of violence against women and so many manifestations of femicide needing to be addressed.
Through by now 14 volumes of the FEMICIDE publication and numerous events on the topic concerned the FEMICIDE team has raised awareness about heinous unprosecuted crimes, which for many years have been silently witnessed by UN Member States, and will not end their work until violence against women and femicide has been eradicated. A long fight lies ahead of us; however, we are full of hope.
Seeing early volumes of FEMICIDE and the outcomes of our FEMICIDE events being used as important resources by delegates in negotiating and adopting the first resolution on gender-related killings by the General Assembly in 2013 confirmed the relevance of our work. A second resolution followed in 2015.
To serve this purpose, the FEMICIDE team uses the FEMICIDE publication series, the Femicide Watch Online Platform and the FEMICIDE events.
Recent Activities
: Submission deadline extended: FEMICIDE Volume XIV: Femicide in the History and Presence of Pandemics
For the fourteenth Volume of the Femicide Publication, we are calling for submissions addressing Femicide in the History and Presence of Pandemics.
: Why Collecting Data on Femicide Matters
Why collecting data on femicide matters? In collaboration with UNODC and SAGE (Students Advocating for Gender Equality), UNSA Vienna is hosting, on December 8, an online event to talk about the paramount importance that data collection on femicide has. On this occasion, the Volume XIII of the UNSA Vienna FEMICIDE Collection “Collecting Data on Femicide” will be introduced.
: FEMICIDE Volume XIII is out now!
On the occasion of the "International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and Girls" we are honored to present to you FEMICIDE Volume XIII on "Collecting Data on Femicide".
Respectful relationships education is one of the most promising strategies to eradicate all forms of gender-based violence. The evaluation of some of these programmes provides positive evidence that after only six months, boys and girls showed significant changes in gendered attitudes, and some of them identified respectful relationships education as a programme that enhanced their personal wellbeing at school
Read here UNSA Vienna's Statment on Turkey’s withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention.
Read here UNSA Vienna's statement on the most recent femicides in Austria.