Pallavi Chatterjee is a postgraduate student of Human Rights at the University of Vienna, with a keen interest in development, women's rights and education. She is presently an Associate Consultant at Humanity Research Consultancy, a UK-based social enterprise involved in unearthing modern slavery practices within corporate operations. She is also a research consultant at the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Fundamental and Human Rights in Vienna, Austria, as well as a member of Women in Development Europe (WIDE), and has written extensively on topics such as disability rights and the deprivation of liberty, regional geopolitics, conflict and peace, indigenous and environmental rights, and the prohibition of torture. At present, she is working on her thesis on human rights-based approaches to development and the litigation efforts of self-employed women's movements within her native India, as well as assisting UNSA Vienna in the Femicide editorial team.
Pallavi is member of the FEMICIDE Editorial Team.
UNSA Vienna provides a wonderful opportunity to anyone wanting to gain practical experience in areas of human rights concerns that are not as commonly addressed within the mainstream, particularly in the realm of controversial topics such as gender-based violence and climate change-induced migration. I'm truly inspired by their approach towards involving future generations and youth communities in their activities, and hope to bring value to UNSA operations through my experiences as an international student, as well as in my academic and professional experience in a global South context.