Henrike Landré

Academic Title
Dr. phil.
Short Vitae

Consultant (since 1999) and founder of own business and NGO (since 2007), with working experience in the U.S. and Europe.

Conceptualized and realized over 20 diverse knowledge / expert platforms for academia, businesses, think tanks, NGOs, international organizations. Multi-year and multi-stakeholder projects. Latest: policy cockpit for European Commission's External Action Service.

Specialized in generation of new knowledge (=innovation), by means of digital technologies, e.g. curation, contextualization, visualization, distribution tools.

Encompassing expertise of global, UN-focused issues such as peace and security, (business &) human rights, SDGs, management reform, global partnerships, leadership, inter alia.

Strong skills in business development & strategies, (IT) project management, digital content strategies / management, communication, training / presentation.


Henrike is member of the FEMICIDE Editorial Team.