Media owner and editor
United Nations Studies Association Vienna - Vereinigung für Studien zu den Vereinten Nationen (UNSA Vienna)
ZVR-Zahl: 1047703682
Competent authority: Landespolizeidirektion Wien
Referat Vereins-, Versammlungs- und Medienrechtsangelegenheiten
Schottenring 7-9, 1010 Wien
Postal Address:
Hedy-Blum-Weg 7/1/3
1230 Wien
Mag.a Mona Zaher
Helena Gabriel-Oiwoh, MA
Angelika Pohnitzer
Purpose of the association
UNSA Vienna has committed itself to concretise and advance the substantive work within the normative and operational UN framework with a special focus on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on a non-profit basis to promote their implementation. Emphasis shall be laid on promoting engagement with commonly overlooked, yet important issues in Austria. For this purpose, an innovative, integrative and solution-oriented approach to various issues within the UN system shall be established.
Special focus shall be laid on the promotion of international and interdisciplinary networking as well as the promotion of young adults in intellectual and cultural areas by helping them develop understanding and educating them in the field of international relations and the UN system. Furthermore, the focus shall be on the inclusion and networking of different actors who deal with topics or problems on the agenda of UNSA Vienna - with the aim of maximizing the impact of the common work.
Underlying concept of the medium
The website informs about UNSA Vienna, its goals and its activities.
Donations are highly appreciated. They help us run our great projects and amplify their impact. If you would like to support our activities and projects, please contact us at
Our bank details are:
IBAN: AT95 2011 1842 3790 4200
Account holder: United Nations Studies Association Vienna
Site development and realisation: Enlightenment, Berlin